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Case Results

This page contains a list of some of the criminal law cases that Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney Staycie R. Sena has handled. Attorney-Client privilege provides that any identifying information must remain confidential. Please call Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney Staycie R. Sena to discuss your criminal case.

Violent Crime Cases

See: Assaults & Batteries | Domestic Violence

Charge: Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Force likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 245(a))
Court: Central Justice Center
Initial offer: 12 years state prison
Outcome: The case was dismissed

Charge: Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Penal Code Section 245)
Court: South Justice Center
Initial offer: 1 year jail
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Assault and Battery (Penal Code Section 240 and Penal Code Section 242)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Disturbing the Peace infraction (Penal Code Section 415)

Charge: Child Abuse with Great Bodily Injury (Penal Code Section 273a(A))
Court: Central Justice Center
Initial offer: 9 years state prison
Outcome: Case dismissed after a mistrial

Charge: Brandishing a Weapon (Penal Code Section 417)
Court: West Justice Center
Initial offer: 90 days jail
Outcome: Disturbing the peace infraction (Penal Code Section 415) and no jail time

Charge: Possession of a Deadly Weapon (Penal Code Section 12020(a))
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Theft/White Collar Crime Cases

See: Theft & White Collar Crimes

Charge: Grand Theft, Embezzlement (Penal Code Section 530 and Penal Code Section 487(a))
Court: North Justice Center
Initial offer: 1 year jail
Outcome: Reduced to a misdemeanor with 30 days jail

Charge: Embezzlement (Penal Code Section 530)
Court: Central Justice Center
Outcome: No jail time

Charge: Grand Theft (Penal Code Section 487)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Initial offer: 2 years state prison
Outcome: Reduced to a misdemeanor with 30 days jail time

Charge: Petty Theft (Penal Code Section 484-488)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case Dismissed

Charge: Manufacturing Credit Cards (Penal Code Section 470)
Court: Central Justice Center
Initial Offer: 7 years state prison
Outcome: 2 years state prison

Charge: Passing Stolen Checks, Receipt of Stolen Property (Penal Code Section 470 and Penal Code Section 496)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to a misdemeanor and no jail time

Charge: Residential Robbery (Penal Code Section 211)
Court: Lamereaux Justice Center (Juvenile)
Outcome: Case Dismissed

Sexual Offense Cases

See: Sexual Offenses

Charge: Child Molestation (Penal Code Section 288(a))
Court: Lamereaux Justice Center
Outcome: Case Dismissed

Charge: Child Molestation (Penal Code Section 288)
Court: Southwest Justice Center
Outcome: Won 9 counts at jury trial (not-guilty)

Charge: Child Molestation (Penal Code Section 288.5)
Court: Lamereaux Justice Center
Initial Offer: 10 years prison
Outcome: 2 years juvenile detention facility

Charge: Statutory Rape (Penal Code Section 261.5)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: No jail

Charge: Child Molestation and Rape (Penal Code Section 288 and Penal Code Section 261)
Court: South Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to statutory rape and no sex offender registration

Charge: Indecent Exposure (Penal Code Section 314)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Found not guilty at trial

Charge: Lewd Conduct (Penal Code Section 647(a))
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Found not guilty at trial

Charge: Registration under Megan’s Law (Penal Code Section 290)
Court: Central Justice Center
Outcome: Court granted Certificate of Rehabilitation meaning that client no longer had to register as a sex offender

Domestic Violence Cases

See: Domestic Violence

Charge: Criminal Threats (Penal Code Section 422)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Found not guilty at jury trial

Charge: Spousal Battery (Penal Code Section 243(e)(1), False imprisonment (Penal Code Section 236), Cutting a utility line (Penal Code Section 591)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Spousal Battery with Traumatic Injury (Penal Code Section 273.5)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Initial offer: 6 months jail
Outcome: Reduced to Disturbing the Peace (Penal Code Section 415) and no jail time

Charge: Spousal Battery (Penal Code Section 243(e)(1)
Court: Central Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to Disturbing the Peace

Charge: Spousal Battery (Penal Code Section 243(e)(1)
Court: Bellflower Superior Court
Outcome: Dismissed after starting trial

Charge: Spousal Battery with Traumatic Energy (Penal Code Section 273.5)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Dismissed after answering ready for trial

Charge: Spousal Battery with Traumatic Energy (Penal Code Section 273.5), Child abuse or neglect (Penal Code Section 273(a)(b))
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

DUI – Driving Under the Influence Cases

See: DUI Defense – Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated

Charge: DUI (Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a), (b))
Court: South Justice Center
Outcome: Dismissed after a motion to suppress was granted

Charge: DUI with Prior (Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a), (b))
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Prior dismissed, case treated as first-time DUI (no jail)

Charge: DUI (Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a), (b))
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Dismissed after a motion to suppress was granted

Charge: DUI with 10 Lifetime Priors
Court: South Justice Center
Outcome: Probation and no jail time

Drug Offense Cases

See: Drug Offenses

Charge: Possession of a Controlled Substance (Health and Safety Code Section 11377)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Possession for Sales (Health and Safety Code Section 11351)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case reduced to possession and then dismissed

Charge: Cultivation of Marijuana (Health and Safety Code Section 11359)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Transportation of Very Large Amount of Narcotics (Health and Safety Code Section 11352)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Initial offer: 7 years state prison
Outcome: 2 years state prison

Charge: PC 1000 Fallout
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Reinstated drug treatment program

Charge: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Health and Safety Code Section 11364)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Possession for sales (Health and Safety Code Section 11351)
Court: Central Justice Center
Initial offer: 10 years state prison
Outcome: 4 years state prison

Miscellaneous Criminal Cases

See: Criminal Law Practice Areas

Charge: Resisting Arrest and Drunk in Public (Penal Code Section 148(a) and 647(f))
Court: North Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Driving when a License has been Suspended because of a DUI (Vehicle Code Section 14601.2)
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to Vehicle Code Section 12500, an infraction

Charge: Making Annoying Telephone Calls (Penal Code Section 653(m))
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to Disturbing the Peace infraction (Penal Code Section 415)

Charge: Hit and Run (Vehicle Code Section 20002(a))
Court: Harbor Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed

Charge: Lewd Conduct with Priors and Multiple Strike Priors
Court: Long Beach Superior Court
Initial Offer: 8 years state prison
Outcome: Strikes stricken, 16 months state prison

Charge: Vandalism (Penal Code Section 594)
Court: North Justice Center
Outcome: Case dismissed, driver’s license saved

Charge: DUI with Prior Manslaughter Conviction (DUI subject to strike felony)
Court: Pomona Beach Superior Court
Initial Offer: 4 years state prison
Outcome: Strike stricken, 16 months state prison

Charge: Forgery (Penal Code Section 470)
Court: West Justice Center
Outcome: Reduced to misdemeanor and no jail time

Client Reviews

Ms. Sena guided me through the dark ravages of domestic violence with scrupulous and empathetic support.

- Tammy S.

I was charged with a crime that I did not commit. I feared that I would go to prison for a long time. Ms. Sena worked on my case around the clock. She met me at my home, met with my family and friends, and never gave up fighting for me. It took two years but I could not be happier with the outcome...

- Antonio F.

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